Rag pickers
He and sister lived on a ledge
under the culvert
His hair all matted
face a mask of grime
His sister had large eyes
a demure of nonchalance
Two big sacs were the only possession
a couple of dogs kept them company
Before daybreak they walked to the bin
their favorite one near the hotel
Here they scourged
for breakfast lunch and dinner
Rotten tomatoes
and leftovers of the night after the rats feast
They swallow what they can
they fill the bags plastic bags and bottles
A large swanky sedan
breaks near the bin
Passenger seat glass goes down
a bejeweled manicured hand flicks a plastic bag
The boy’s hand shoots out catches the bag
a catch as good as any great slip catch
He opens the bag with fervor was a white spongy thing
gives it a little squeeze hand slimy and red
wipes his hand on his shirt front
Bewilderment writ large on his face for a fleeting second
tosses the thing off moves off to the next bin sister in tow
Two years latter
The girl lay dead in the culvert
defiled and killed
Near her body was a middle-aged man
half dead battered black and blue
The young boy was never seen again…..
A very sad scene well described. As I read, I could picture the scene although I've been there. The middle aged man... was he the little boy?